CAPA School Nurse

School Nurse
We hope you and your student are keeping healthy and safe during this time. We miss you and look forward to you being ready for another school year in whatever form it takes. Please be sure to make your student’s Well Child Visit appointment now to ensure that their immunizations are up to date before September. If your student is an upcoming 12th grader, you may have received a letter from the district describing the additional immunization requirements for 12th grade which is the Meningococcal vaccine (MCV4). This vaccine is given around the age of 12 and the second dose after their 16th birthday, or upon entering the 12th grade. Please make an appointment with your Health Provider or the Philadelphia Health Centers in July or August for immunizations.
All 11th grade students are required to have an updated Physical Exam (MEH-1) upon entry to 11th grade. Please make an appointment ASAP to have this completed over the summer and send a copy to the Nurse along with a completed S-865 form. The MEH-1 and S-865 forms are attached in the link below.
To all NEW incoming students to CAPA, wether coming from within the School District of Philadelphia, or from Private, Parochial, Charter etc., your child is required to have an up to date Physical Exam (Form MEH-1) and Immunizations submitted to the Nurse prior to the first day of school.
I understand health situations arise and parent contact information changes periodically, therefore ALL students in ALL grades must submit a “S-865” form every year to the Nurse. This form is an Emergency Contact and Updated Medical Information form. Without this form I am unable to administer any form of medication to your child, be it over the counter (OTC) or prescription.
You can visit for health forms that need to be completed and returned on or before the first day of school. The required forms can be located in the links below.
As a reminder… be safe, wash your hands and contact your doctor if you are sick!
Nurse, Mrs.Vasile,
901 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA
Phone: 215 400-8140 FAX: 215-400-8141